The 2024 Sailing Season is Go!

Published 13:50 on 4 Apr 2024
It has felt like a long winter, but the new sailing season has finally arrived!
This season, the sailing committee have tried to keep the mix of series and one-off races as varied as possible to provide something for everyone. A huge debt of gratitude must go to the backroom 'boys and girls' who try to ensure that sailing at Dalgety Bay continues to be interesting, competitive and, above all, fun.
As you will see elsewhere, a lot is happening: two shiny new RIBs, continuing plans to refurbish the changing rooms and much more. Our numbers continue to grow with several new members and new boats to the club for this year. This should make it even more fun on the water.
The Brass Monkey Race kicked off the season on Sunday 31 March. Ian Baillie organised Committee Boat starts for the 13 dinghies taking part in blustery conditions. Three races took place and saw Ian Fitzgerald score three 'bullets' to take the trophy. The top three were:
1st Ian Fitzgerald
2nd Ota Dvorak
3rd Alistair Higgins
Looking ahead to the next couple of months, we have the following events coming up:
- Sunday 7 April Sunday Warm Up Series Starts
- Wednesday 24 April Wednesday Racing Starts
- Sunday 12 May St Davids Pole Race
- Saturday 18 May Cruise in Company visit by Forth Corinthian Yacht Club.
For the latter, we are looking for a couple of volunteers (perhaps qualified youth members) to provide a shuttle service from the anchored yachts to the shore (and back out again after they have boosted our bar profits). If you can help with this, please get in touch with Duncan Small (
Lastly, the club relies on your support to help with Race Officer and Rescue cover duties. So, if you haven't already signed up for around 4 dates over the year, then please get signed up so you can get the dates you want.
Words: Duncan Small - Rear Commodore Sail