
DBSC is a RYA recognised teaching centre (RTC), which entitles the club to run RYA courses and issue certificates. Training facilities of the RTCs are inspected annually to ensure that the required standards are adhered to and a certificate is issued to allow the club to function during the season following inspection so long as the facilities and those involved fulfill the criteria. The club can offer a wide range of courses from dinghy sailing (all levels), and the equivalent Junior stages, to powerboat Levels 1 and 2 plus Safety Boat.
Training is offered in various ways and is an opportunity for both adults and children to build up skill and try different boats. The club has a fleet of dinghies to support training activities. We also offer powerboat courses over weekends. These are scheduled throughout the season.
Training sessions are held on Tuesday nights for children and adults and are run by RYA qualified instructors and assistants. Places are limited so participants are required to register in advance. The racer group in particular will be encouraged to take part in Wednesday night & weekend racing. Where possible there will be instructors on hand, and extra rescue cover if needed, to make it easier for novices to participate in the club's racing programme. For Tuesday Training, participants need to be at the club by about 1800. We aim to be rigged up, changed and afloat by 1900 latest. We are usually ashore by 2030.
Planned dates for training are shown in the Training Calendar.
Registration for Tuesday Training is currently closed. We will resume in April 2023. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you (or your child) are new to the club, it would be helpful if you send an email with details of previous sailing experience to :
The regular training throughout the year is in need of new helpers and instructors. If you can spare a few hours each week and are keen to help others to learn the sport please contact the training team. There are many ways to assist from taking someone out racing in one of the club's double handed boats to running a race coaching session to helping beginners learn to sail on a Tuesday night. Training for helpers is available and RYA instructor courses or re-validations can be arranged.
Any queries regarding training should be directed to the principal (whose name is printed on the RTC certificate, which is displayed in the bar area of the clubhouse) or to the training officer on
Procedures for the use of club boats:
The club dinghies are primarily for training purposes, however they can be used by members with the permission of a member of the training team. Juniors who regularly attend Tuesday night training need to have gained a stage 3 certificate or better to use club boats at race times.Juniors are not permitted to take club boats out other than on Tuesday & Sunday training sessions, club racing, and under the authority of the training team during occasional events such as the Open Day.
Points to note-
Club boats may only be afloat if there is adequate rescue cover to deal with all those on the water.
Club boats can be used by junior members free of change, regardless of times used.
Any damage during use by a member (for racing or pleasure) must be declared
Club boats cannot be taken out in anything more than 25 knots of wind.
The club operates a Google Sheet spreadsheet where club members can self-serve boat reservations based on availability. If you believe you conform to the above criteria please access the sheet available here. The Instructions are on the first sheet and we've made it as simple as possible to use. If you have any issues with this or are unable to reserve your boat please contact the Rear Commodore Training at least 24 hours before the reservation and he will be happy to help
The boats available are:
SailQube Dinghies
These are great boats for small beginners to learn and hone their sailing skills in a very robust and stable platform. They are not lacking in excitement either and can be great fun if competing in a fleet.
RS Tera
These boats are for the slightly older and more experienced child' looking to develop sail and boat handling skills. They are highly responsive, yet robust and can be used to gain first experiences of racing. They can easily be sailed with two to give a bit more stability and a great shared experience.
These single-handed boats are ideal for youth sailors going on to develop their skills.
Our Lasers can be rigged as 4.7, Standard or Radial Rigged to suit wind conditions and ability. These boats are fast and responsive and great fun for the more experienced sailor. There is often a reasonable Laser fleet racing so they are an ideal opportunity to gauge your skill with the rest of the racers.
RS Feva
This 2-person dinghy is fast, exciting and has an optional gennaker to give even more thrills. It is very popular with the older children but can easily be sailed with an adult and child. These boats were designed to set new standards for recreational sailors, families, clubs, schools and holiday companies. The boats are easy to handle, fun to sail, versatile and highly durable. In fact, the RS Feva was the outright world's best selling two-person sailboat in 2005, 2006 and 2007.
RS Vision
This is one of the clubs bigger boats used on Tuesday nights for teaching adult beginners basic principles of sailing. It is a stable yet fast boat but not overpowered and its construction makes it easier to right if capsized. It can be sailed by two or a whole family for some extra excitement.