Keeping a boat at DBSC
Keeping a boat at DBSC
Membership does not guarantee boat parking space. Contact the membership secretery if you wish to keep your boat at the club:
All members agree to and must comply with the Club Handbook (DBSC Club Handbook Nov 2021.docx - Google Drive ) which contains lots of useful information about keeping a boat at the club.
Some of the important rules are:
Inactive boats - The boat park and tender/outboard stores are not intended for storage of "inactive boats". Members with "inactive boats" may lose their space(s) in order to free up space for active members.
Definition of "inactive"
A boat will considered as "inactive" if none of the criteria below have been met.
In the past twelve months:
- the boat has been used on more than three occasions
- the boat has been offered for sale proactively
- significant maintenance has been conducted on the boat in order to make it fit for use or for sale
Boats are actively monitored - with dinghies by tying piece of (environmentally friendly) twine to the pintles. All that an owner needs to do is take the twine off when using the boat.
Keeping a keelboat at the club
You should review the handbook carefully, but some important points are:
Launching - keelboat owners need to have their own trailer for launching. The tractor is available for launching.
Moorings - members supply and maintain their own moorings. However members can only lay moorings with the agreement of the club. The club has a raft that is available to help the laying and maintenance of moorings.
This document has more detailed - and very important - information.
Commercial vessels are not allowed.